About Real Property Painting

Paint Spray


Since 1989, Real Property Painting has proudly been involved in the Commercial Construction industry providing professional painting services. These services include the supply and installation of high quality conventional painting systems, commercial grade wall-coverings, two component epoxies and urethanes.

Edmonton Based Company

An Edmonton based company, Real Property Painting also provides services to areas of Northern Alberta , Western Saskatchewan and Eastern British Columbia . Real Property Painting has extensive knowledge and experience , providing reliable quality workmanship which ensures the satisfaction of our construction partners.

Positive Relationships

Real Property strives towards building positive relationships resulting in our involvement in the variety of different projects completed over our lengthy history . These projects include, Hospitality, Institutional, Education, Industrial, High rise and Multi-Family.

The Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program

Real Property Painting is also proud of its involvement in The Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program . Our strong emphasis on safety is our commitment to a higher standard of continued education and training for all our employees which sets us apart from others in our field.